A Police-Led Partnership Safeguarding Businesses Online

Meet your Cyber Protect Officers

Samantha Hancock is the Cyber Protect Officer for Derbyshire Constabulary, supporting Businesses and Communities across Derbyshire.
Sam’s career in Policing saw her join Derbyshire Constabulary as staff member in 2003 where she was the Co-ordinator for the Derbyshire Business Against Crime initiative for 3 years, until moving over to Nottinghamshire Police in to replicate the project. Sam spent 10 years with Notts, including being promoted to Crime Prevention Unit Manager and Strategic Crime Prevention lead for Notts Police.
In October 2016, Sam took up the position of Force Cyber Protect Officer with Leicestershire Police, initially increasing cyber and fraud awareness within Force, and then broadening out to businesses and our communities to help both raise awareness and make them more resilient against Cybercrime and Fraud. Sam has recently transferred over to Derbyshire Constabulary to take up the role of Cyber Protect Officer, much nearer to home.
Sam has undertaken a number of courses in the Cyber field, and also holds CISMP (Certificate in Information Security Management Principles). She also has a wide experience of public engagement, running workshops and training, and experience in the use of using social media, networks and traditional media in order to push out messages and guidance to help all of our communities.
Although responsible for local delivery and messaging for Derbyshire Constabulary Cybercrime Team, Sam works very closely with EMSOU Cyber Crime Team, and will also be working in partnership with EMCRC.

Kirsty has been a Cyber Protect & Prevent Officer for Nottinghamshire police since August 2018. Kirsty initially joined the force in February 2018 as a Fraud & Cyber Protect Assistant where she helped set up the Fraud Protect processes, whilst supporting and protecting victims of Fraud and Cyber enabled crime. Kirsty began her career at CapitalOne working across various Fraud areas for 13 years within the company.
As part of the Cyber Protect network, Kirsty delivers tailored protect advice to local businesses and organisations, including completing cyber security reviews for businesses and hosting business events for local SMEs. In her role, Kirsty covers the Protect, Prevent and Prepare strands of the 4 P’s strategy, as well as assisting with the Pursue strand where possible, to help make businesses and the public more resilient against Cyber Crime.
Being certified in CISMP (Certificate in Information Security Management Principles) has helped equip Kirsty to have relevant conversations with SME’s within Nottinghamshire to advise where they maybe vulnerable to a cyber-attack and make recommendations to increase their cyber security to Protect their data, assets and people.

Amie has been in the role of Cyber Protect and Prevent Officer since February 2020. She has been an employee of Northamptonshire Police since 2001 and has a strong background in safeguarding and investigation.
Amie investigates cyber dependant crimes, increasing public awareness for target hardening against cybercrime and intervention activities to prevent youths getting involved in cybercrime.
Amie passed the NPCC Foundation in Computing and Networking course in March 2020 and is trained to CompTIA Security+ standard.